From The Landings to Long Cove: Ensuring Comfort with the Right Insulation

TJ explains why this home in Long Cove on Hilton Head Island is experiencing high humidity,.

The Hidden Culprit Behind High Humidity: Fiberglass Insulation

From the picturesque landscapes of The Landings in Savannah to the serene shores of Long Cove on Hilton Head Island, homeowners pride themselves on creating comfortable and inviting spaces. However, a common issue has been plaguing many: uncontrollable humidity. And the culprit? A seemingly innocent material - fiberglass insulation.

Understanding the Fiberglass Fiasco

When you think of insulation, the fluffy pink fiberglass might be the first image that pops into your mind. It's been a staple in homes for decades. But as TJ from Atlantic Spray Foam highlighted in a recent video, fiberglass insulation can be a significant contributor to high humidity levels in homes.

Here's the deal: While fiberglass insulation does provide a barrier, it's not airtight. This means that air, along with moisture, can seep through, leading to increased humidity levels inside the house. Over time, this can not only make your living spaces uncomfortable but also lead to other issues like mold growth and decreased energy efficiency.

🚨 Pro Tip Alert! If you've recently had your home spray-foamed and are still battling with high humidity, take a peek at your insulation. If you spot fiberglass, especially in areas like the floor, it might be the reason behind your woes.

Atlantic Spray Foam to the Rescue

From The Landings in Savannah to Long Cove on Hilton Head Island, Atlantic Spray Foam has been the go-to solution for homeowners and offices facing insulation challenges. Our team understands the unique needs of each location and offers tailored solutions to ensure optimal comfort.

If you're in the area and are tired of the constant battle with humidity, it's time to give us a call. We'll assess your current insulation, identify any issues, and provide the best spray foam solutions to seal your home airtight. Remember, it's not just about keeping the cold or heat out; it's about creating a comfortable environment inside, free from the troubles of high humidity.

Insulation is more than just a barrier; it's a crucial component in maintaining the comfort and health of your home. So, if you're facing persistent humidity issues, don't overlook the role of fiberglass insulation. And when in doubt, reach out to the experts at Atlantic Spray Foam. We're here to serve your needs and ensure your home or office is as comfortable as possible.


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